Some investigators maintain that large boulders must be supported by turbulence within a viscous debris flow.
辞典例句Keywords: ahazard potency of debris flow, externality, cost - benefit analysis.
关键词: 土石流特定水土保持区 、 外部性 、 成本效益 分析.
互联网Mine debris flow clough is a nonequilibrium opening system which is influnced by various factors.
互联网Debris flow waste - shoal, and abundant resource and, is a kind of land resource in Jiangjia gully.
蒋家沟泥石流滩地地势平坦,水源充足,热量丰富, 是较好的土地资源.
互联网Due to the complexity, the essentials of debris flow are hard to be completely understood.
由于泥石流的复杂性, 对其特点深入理解尚在探索之中.
互联网Main geology environmental issues include slope unstableness, geologic and physics influence of landslip, collapse, and debris - flow.
主要地质环境问题集中表现在斜坡稳定性差及滑坡 、 崩塌 、 泥石流等物理地质作用明显.
互联网County territory for the debris flow landslide - prone areas, serious soil erosion.
境内为文县泥石流滑坡多发区, 水土流失严重.
互联网The Debris - flow is a kind of common natural phenomenon.
互联网The landslide and debris flow based on plagioclase coincidently locate in ringed mountains.
互联网Babuli gully lies in outskirts of Jinchuan county which is an old debris - flow gully.
互联网A lotofgreatengineering construction in exploitation ofwesternChina are located at the areas where debris flow is serious.
互联网If landslide or debris flow danger is imminent, quickly away from the path of the slide.
如果滑坡或泥石流危险迫在眉睫, 迅速离开有滑落体的道路.
互联网The Reliability Assessment of Railway Line System in Debris Flow Regions.
全球控制CFC_ s:我国铁路运输工具面临的问题.
互联网The problems of debris flow disasters will be more important in the town planning and construction.
互联网These tiny debris - flow deposits formed on freshly excavated embankments of the California Aqueduct.
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